Writing Posts Tagged "Webdev"
Controlling Whitespace and Empty Lines in Jekyll
Jekyll-generated code can be pretty, too.
An Event Apart Boston 2015
My notes from An Event Apart, "the design conference for people who make websites".
An Event Apart Boston 2014
My notes from An Event Apart, "the design conference for people who make websites".
An Event Apart Boston 2013
My notes from An Event Apart, "the design conference for people who make websites".
Yeoman in Theory
Thoughts about Yeoman, a new tool for web developers.
An Event Apart Boston 2012
My notes from An Event Apart, "the design conference for people who make websites".
Troubleshooting Apache in OS X 10.8 Mountain Lion
My experience fixing the built-in Apache installation after upgrading.
Setting up LightTPD with PHP, MySQL, and Perl on Windows 2000/XP
Seting up a LightTPD development server environment on Windows.
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